We love a visit to wine country, and Oregon’s famed Willamette Valley certainly does not disappoint. But wine tastings – no matter where you are – can sometimes all blend together after awhile. We’re always in search of a unique tasting, something that stands out from the pack, and in Willamette, we found that at Durant.

Durant offers an Estate Educational Experience that is beloved by both travelers and locals alike, and it combines the property’s two world-class offerings: wine & olive oil. We had no idea that olive oil had depth and nuanced profiles much like wine. There’s even a a traditional tasting experience for proper olive oil tasting – called a ‘Blue Glass Tasting’. Professional olive oil tasters use a distinct cobalt blue glass, as it hides the color and cloudiness and allows you to focus solely on the taste and smell dynamics. At Durant, you can do this too!

Begin your tasting at the Durant Olive Mill where you’ll learn first about historic olive oil making techniques and then about the modern methods used at Durant. You’ll be amazed at the machinery and strict criteria used to create pure and true extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Afterwards, take a stroll through the picturesque olive grove as you make your way over to the wine tasting room.

At Durant’s Wine Pavilion, the tasting begins. It’s so fun and unique to try both estate wines and estate olive oils paired with sweet and savory small plates. It’s a dynamic experience, and we were fascinated to find that olive oil has the same ability to elevate and compliment cuisines as wine. You’ll walk away with some new favorite wines, an appreciation for quality olive oil, and a ‘Blue Glass Tasting’ under your belt!
Compass + Twine was a welcomed guest of Durant and thanks them for an incredible experience. As always, all opinions are our own.