airplane toddler flying activities

9 Best Tips for Flying with a Toddler on an Airplane

IMG_4409There are few things in life more stressful than entertaining a toddler on a flight. It usually ends up being just fine, but it ALWAYS helps to be prepared. Try not to over think it – just maybe have a few tricks up your sleeves to use when needed.

1. Talk about planes and read book planes before going. My son Jack is obsessed with planes now because he became familiar with them through books first. So whenever he gets on one, he knows whats happening and is engaged with what was going on all around. We spent a good 20 minutes at the start of the flight just looking out the window and talking about the wings, engine, luggage, captain, etc. These are our favorite airplane books:

Maisy Goes on a Plane

Amazing Airplanes

Goodnight Planes

Where Do Jet Planes Sleep at Night?

2. Run them around the airport first. Seriously, wear them out! Jack is much less inclined to be squirmy and difficult on the airplane if he’s been sprinting the hallways of the terminal first. Someone wise told us this early on his flying days – and boy is it true. After getting his energy out on the ground, he’s ready for books, snacks, and a snooze on the plane.

3. Don’t let them get down. This is golden – especially if they are between 1 and 2 years old and are squirmy worms. It’s pretty simple: once they KNOW they can get down and stand and move around, then that’s all they’re going to want to do. (If it’s a super long flight then obviously they need to move a little). If you can, keep them thinking that you’re only allowed to sit on planes for as long as you can.

4. Help their ears on take off and landing. Save milk, water, snack pouch, pacifier (or anything with sucking motion) for when you’re literally going down the runway. Don’t get excited and whip it out while taxiing. The captain might have you sit for half an hour out on the jetway for all you know. Wait until you are actually zooming down the runway, then give them something to drink / suck on for take off. Same with landing – just make your own best guess on timing!

5. Snacks always pass the time. Have a few different ones to spread out of the flight for when you really need it. We love: Cheerios (if you’re really sneaky you can put them in a pill box so they have to spend time opening each compartment), PB&J sandwich, goldfish, banana (easy to grab at airport and not super messy), granola bars, etc.

6. Clever Toys / Activities. Here are our favorite toys and entertainment items for toddlers on an airplane:

Sensory Jars: We love these cute ones from Young + Wild & Friedman

Window gel clings. (There are loads out there, but we like these).

Magnetic play sets like this or this AND/ OR Sticker books like this.

Fidgety toys like: dimple toy or a busy board

Water Wow! books 

Sometimes simple is best: bring post-it notes to pull of one by one and stick anywhere; bring dot stickers to decorate a coloring book ,instead of markers.

7. When they’re old enough / interested in actually watching something, plug ’em in! We love this kid’s tablet and these headphones for toddlers. The headphone are great because they have bluetooth function, so the chord isn’t getting tangled or pulled out.

8. Richard Scarry books! You don’t have to read these books slowly to draw out the time. There is so much creativity and excitement happening on each page that you could spend 10 minutes per page just point out things and talking about what’s going on. They’re totally unique, eccentric, and a massive time filler. We like this one about the pig family’s adventure: here.

9. Blame everything on the captain. This goes back to reading/learning about airplanes before hand. Really pump up the roll of the ole captain. That way, when you’re on the plane and your kid is trying to take their seatbelt off or something, you can say ‘(Gasp!) Oh no, I think the captain said everyone has to keep their seatbelt on!’ or ‘the captain says it’s not good to eat stickers on his airplane’. If you’re not the bad guy, they might fight you less : )
