Union Island

An Afternoon in Chatham Bay, Union Island

Before the Sea Cloud II zodiak dropped us at the dock of Chatham Bay on Union Island, our knowledge of the islands history was limited. Part of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the island only about 3,000 people live there. Alex is the self-appointed resident historian and it didn’t take long for him to find us on the beach. He insisted on sharing his island’s history with us (though we suspect he may have added his own flare to certain portions of the story) and then bent the ear of anyone else who would listen, many of them our fellow ship-mates. It was lovely to see someone so eager to promote his home, and what a beautiful one it is. We visited Chatham Bay only for lunch and even in that short time it became evident that Union Island is a special place. Enjoy our photo diary below and add Union Island to your bucket list asap!

Union Island

Union Island
Union Island Union Island Union Island

Union Island

Union Island

Union Island
