Summe cocktail drink cocktails pleta de mar spain mallorca Peter's cocktail

The Ultimate Spanish Summer Cockail: “Peter’s Garden Cocktail”

When that summer sun is beaming down and rosé has called your name maybe one too many times, we have the ABSOLUTE BEST COCKTAIL in the world for you to try: Peter’s Garden Cocktail.

If you like refreshing, herb-driven adult beverages that aren’t too sweet… then this one’s for you! We first sipped the effervescent delight poolside at the gorgeous 5-star Pleta de Mar property in Mallorca, Spain. The restaurant manager, Peter, recommended it, and their ‘Champion of Cocktails’ bartender masterfully whipped up a few glasses for us gals. The drink was met with unanimous, eye-popping, ‘we’ll have another round right now’ approval. So, without further adieu, we refer you to the recipe below for what we GUARANTEE will be your go-to cocktail drank of the summer… slash forever!

Summe cocktail drink cocktails pleta de mar spain mallorca Peter's cocktail

Peter’s Summer-Garden Cocktail Recipe:

Fresh Basil + Fresh Mint +1.5 cl (.50 oz) Citrus syrup, mashed and muddled

Add 5 cl (1.7 oz) of Gin Mare (Super premium Spanish gin, or any fave gin!)

Shake shake shake

Add tonic water (Tonic Water 1724, or any fave)

Shake shake shake

Garnish with a cherry tomato cut in half and dropped in + dry candied orange (get creative?!) + fresh mint and basil leaves.

And cheers!! For more on the amazing Pleta de Mar hotel in Mallorca, see: here.Summe cocktail drink cocktails pleta de mar spain mallorca Peter's cocktail Summe cocktail drink cocktails pleta de mar spain mallorca Peter's cocktail Summe cocktail drink cocktails pleta de mar spain mallorca Peter's cocktail

