herschel backpacks NEW

Not Just For School

20140429_cba490b7f59cd367379fFmUwamy5qWGxGone are the days when backpacks were just for school. Herschel Supply Co USA
makes some of the best ‘packs around. The straps are comfortably padded and each bag has plenty of pockets inside & out for pens, clothes,  snacks, or your computer. They’re cute and functional and come in a pretty wide variety of colors and sizes, making them the perfect bag for any length of travel.


Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 7.13.30 PMOsprey makes some legit outdoor activity backpacks. Since we’re usually not hiking the Pacific Coast Trail for 3 months like Cheryl Strayed, we favor these Raptor Series packs because they’re small and weigh practically nothing (1.3 lbs). The include a hydration pouch, making them great for bike ride or day hike on one of our favorite trails in the Hudson Valley.

