Oculus NEW

Oculus Is Open:

A Look Inside The WTC Transportation Hub

Oculus NEW

 The American flag hangs prominently from one end of the enormous room, dubbed “Oculus”, while people eagerly take photos of the just-opened transportation hub. For years, the curiously shaped building has been under construction and even locals weren’t quite sure what it would become. With the revitalization of Downtown Manhattan, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey have dumped BILLIONS – $4 billion to be exact – into constructing the World Trade Center Transportation Hub.

Oculus WTC Transportation Hub

Look Up: 1WTC can be seen through the roof of Oculus

The design is beautiful, airy, and a little spaceship-y, to be honest.  It reminds you of something you saw in Star Wars. Crisp white columns line the interior and mimic the stunning exterior, meant to remind you of a bird in flight, while the white marble and glass windows make the space feel new, clean, and open.

Oculus WTC Transportation HubSituated just steps from the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, it will connect riders with several trains, although there are not free transfers, which is disappointing. Access to the 2, 3 and PATH trains is available right now, with plans to eventually connect the 1 train. The tunnels also connect the hub with neighboring Brookfield Place, along with underground entries to 4WTC, 1WTC and the Observation Deck.  Also in the plans are dozens of shops, Apple and Victoria’s Secret top among them, according to our source. But right now, those retail spaces are still empty and under construction.

Oculus WTC Transportation HubUntil all the retailers move in later this year, Oculus and the rest of the WTC Transportation Hub will be just a maze of underground tunnels  – very, very expensive tunnels to say the least.
